
Creating Custom Look & Feel

CSS Framework

singlepage-js uses Bootstrap framework for styling portal presentation. There are a few important changes are worth noting. We have removed lg and xl media breakpoints and only use sm and md breakpoints and corresponding classes in our presentation. Also, we do not use bootstrap's Javascript code or jquery. We have replaced some of the essential functionality by writing our own code or using vue plug-ins or libraries.

The src/css directory in your application folder contains four CSS files:

  • bootstrap-reboot.css - Style resets for browser consistency and styling of basic html elements
  • bootstrap-grid.css - Grid and spacing classes
  • bootstrap.css - Themable classes defining major colors and component styles
  • sp.css - singlepage-js system classes needed for system components and certain layout preferences

We recommend that you do not change reboot and grid classes unless you know what you are doing. bootstrap.css contains all themable classes and should be the main focus for look & feel customization. You can modify sp.css classes to change overall page display (sticky footer), system components styling (e.g. sidebar menu on smaller displays).


singlepage-js uses three images located in assets and assets/images directories that can be replaced by your own: favicon.ico, avatar.png, and app_logo.png. app_logo.png is the main logo image that is used on the splash screen, Web site logo displayed at top left once the application is loaded, login and logout screens, and the service_tester utility. Simplest change would be to replace this with your own. In order to display a different image for different screens, you will have to change the corresponding Vue components (App.vue, Login.vue, Logout.vue) or HTML files (index.html, service_tester.html).

Portal Window Styling

The appearance of components on the portal can be controlled by setting component wrapper, header, and body CSS classes. singlepage-js comes with built-in templates. The built-in template definitions are shown below.


  "card-default": { componentClass: "card sp-card", headerClass: "card-header bg-light h5", bodyClass: "card-body" },
  "card-flush": { componentClass: "card sp-card", headerClass: "card-header bg-light h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "note-default": { componentClass: "card sp-card", headerClass: "card-header border-0 bg-white h5", bodyClass: "card-body" },
  "note-flush": { componentClass: "card sp-card", headerClass: "card-header border-0 bg-white h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "blank": { componentClass: "flex-grow-1 position-relative", headerClass: "", bodyClass: "" },
  "jumbotron": { componentClass: "jumbotron position-relative", headerClass: "display-4", bodyClass: "" },
  "borderless": { componentClass: "card border-0", headerClass: "bg-white h4 pt-2 pb-2  border-bottom", bodyClass: "" },
  "flush": { componentClass: "card sp-card", headerClass: "card-header", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-warning": { componentClass: "card alert-warning", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body bg-white" },
  "note-warning": { componentClass: "card-body alert-warning position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-info": { componentClass: "card alert-info", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body bg-white" },
  "note-info": { componentClass: "card-body alert-info position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-dark": { componentClass: "card alert-dark", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body" },
  "note-dark": { componentClass: "card-body alert-dark position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-light": { componentClass: "card alert-light", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body" },
  "note-light": { componentClass: "card-body alert-light position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-success": { componentClass: "card alert-success", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body bg-white" },
  "note-success": { componentClass: "card-body alert-success position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" },
  "card-danger": { componentClass: "card alert-danger", headerClass: "card-header h5", bodyClass: "card-body bg-white" },
  "note-danger": { componentClass: "card-body alert-danger position-relative", headerClass: "h5", bodyClass: "" }


You can add to these or overwrite existing template definitions by creating component_templates.json file in <app-root>/src/templates directory. A sample JSON file is shown below. The file shown will overwrite styling of card-default template and add a new template named note-padded-centered.

      "card-default": {
        "componentClass": "card sp-card flex-grow-1",
        "headerClass": "card-header bg-secondary h5",
        "bodyClass": "card-body"
      "note-padded-centered": {
        "componentClass": "card sp-card flex-grow-1",
        "headerClass": "card-header border-0 bg-white h5",
        "bodyClass": "p-5 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"

Page Layouts

When you create a new page in singlepage-js, you can select the page layout: 2-columns, 3-columns, etc. singlepage-js defines a set of default page layouts. The layout definition files are located in <singlepage-js-install-dir>/dev/resources/page_templates directory. Contents of page_narrow_wide.xml file are listed below.

    <div class="container mt-3">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-4">
            <div class="col-md-8">

As you can see, a page layout definition file is an XML file that provides the skeleton for the layout. You can use any bootstrap spacing or grid-related classes to get the desired result. You can create your own layouts by creating similar files that start with page_ in <app-root-dir>/src/templates directory and they will appear in the page layout dropdown on page create/edit screens. You can also overwrite existing page layout definitions by placing a file with the same name as the original file name.